Final Project Ideas

Below is a list of ideas for projects. Feel free to bring in your own ideas for final projects. In addition, students have also taken existing labs and extended them in some way such as using an optical chopper and lock-in amplifier to obtain better results from hydrogen spectroscopy. Many of the labs even have suggestions for projects at the end of the write-ups.

Laser ranging

Optical trapping of colloidal particles (laser tweezers)

Fabry-Perot interferometer (to measure Zeeman effect)

Nitrogen laser

Johnson and shot noise measurements from resistors

Zeeman and Stark effect using Doppler-free spectroscopy

Measurement of Raman spectrum

Atomic Force Microscope

Measurement of gravitational constant G

Optical coherent diffractive imaging (imaging via diffraction patterns)

Optical microphone to measure properties of a material (like Young’s modulus)

Investigation of superconductivity

Investigation of High temperature superconductivity

Measurement of specific heat of materials

Measurement of the speed of light “c”

Photoelectric effect and measurement of Planks constant

Modeling quantum effects using optical light and polarizers

Radio telescope

Rutherford scattering of alpha particles

Vibrational modes of a thin metal plate

Energy loss of charged particles in matter

Hall effect

Ultrasonic motion detector

Quantum number generator

Schlieren Imaging